Rack pads and tie-downs what a perfect combination. Velcro the pads on, toss that board on top, loop the tie-downs around the rack, cinch it down and you’re good to go. Available in two sizes 10’ and 15’.
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Tags: 15',PROLITE,tiedown
Rack pads and tie-downs what a perfect combination. Velcro the pads on, toss that board on top, loop the tie-downs around the rack, cinch it down and you’re good to go. Available in two sizes 10’ and 15’.
Heavy duty webbing.
Indestructible metal cams.
Neoprene cam covers to protect you surfboard and vehicle.
Rack pads and tie-downs what a perfect combination. Velcro the pads on, toss that board on top, loop the tie-downs around the rack, cinch it down and you’re good to go.