Availability: In stock (1)
Delivery time: 2-5 days

After a couple sessions and a few beers it became clear that Buell and Dane share a passion for creating a damn good wetsuit. They leveraged Buell's 20+ years of design expertise along with Reynolds checklist: timeless style, minimal branding, premium materials, no gimmicks, no BS, just a f*ck'n good wetsuit to create “Subdivision”. The DR1 is for anyone looking for a wetsuit that is functional yet stylish, low key, warm and flexible. Durability won't be an issue with top of the line materials. The DR1 features in an all 2mm, 3mm and 4mm in Mens and Jr sizes.

  • Offered in 2, 3 and 4mm’s for your seasonal needs
  • Preferred 2mm Temp - 65-70 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Preferred 3mm Temp- 55-64 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Preferred 4mm Temp- 54-47 degrees Fahrenheit
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